Hello fellow travelers in the Kingdom ! I trust you are all well. Its been a […]
Feeding Hungry Bellies, Protecting Innocent Hearts, Setting captives free, Healing the sick, Helping the widowed, Jerlanis, Datzary, […]
Our costs for renting vehicles in country $800/week
More. More. More. Doing like Jesus. New video from KingdomStuff.
Rev. 2: Do the things you did at first !
“Now there was a famine in the land—besides the previous famine in Abraham’s time—and Isaac went to Abimelek king of the Philistines in Gerar.
Many are called, few choose to receive the calling ! Jesus had em and told us […]
You can Know, have supernatural wisdom.
Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.".
““No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭24‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Authority If your driving down the street and the policeman puts his hand up for you […]
More. More. More. Doing like Jesus. New video from KingdomStuff.
See to it none takes you captive with deceiving words !
To meet in the air
God Speaks what language ?
You might not know when making choices in life where it will lead to. All the […]
Want to know what God thinks?
Prov.3:5-6 trust in the lord with all your heart and he will make your path straight”.
Made in his image
Can we expect miracles today?
How Close are we until Jesus comes back? Here’s some clues.
Eternity in our hearts
The kingdom of God is like
Good news of the kingdom healing every disease and sickness
Only two kingdoms, God and the other entity. Which do you operate in?
On Earth As it is in Heaven ? Really ? Is it possible to experience the […]
Is it possible to lend to God?
You were sealed with a mark
You can taste the age that’s coming !
The kingdom of God is near you !
Ecc. 3:11 He has put eternity in our hearts.
Spiritual identity theft, what’s that?
Imitate me even as I imitate Christ
Resist the devil, turn to God & he will flee
He waits for you.
Where do you sit? What’s your delight ?
It’s getting closer and closer. Could happen anytime now.
Guatemala Village
“And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and […]
How we operate in the kingdom of God
More. More. More. Doing like Jesus. New video from KingdomStuff.
Doing like Jesus. New video to watch of KingdomStuff.
Doing like Jesus ... KingdomStuff.
Cherokee NC headed to Pigeon Forge TN Vineyard conference
We welcome You with praise. Almighty God of Love be welcome in this place. Let every heart adore. Let every soul awake.
Can women be in ministry?
She said she could not walk, but after prayer she did.
Feeding the poor and hungry who scavenge the dumpsite.
Doing like Jesus Honduras October 2018, We traveled to many cities proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God, healing the sick, setting captives free.
Serving those in need by feeding the hungry each week.
Doing Like Jesus, healing the sick, setting captives free, kingdom of God, missions Central America
Watch people experience healing, love and transformation.
The team and KingdomStuff in Costa Rica. Experience the people and impact of Costa Rica. Related […]
Everyone gets to play and do the stuff.
Healing Prayer 5 step 'non' model.
We visited those in prison proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom, saw blind healed, and the lame walk!
In these places we experienced not just healings, deliverance, and emotional healings, we experienced an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It was revival. The result was transformation, refreshing, healing, and salvation on a very grand scal
She pointed to it saying "LOOK the tumor is all gone".
He said he had two heart attacks before that and as of that day of being prayed for he has never felt better.
Woman healed from deafness in one ear as we prayed for her daughter in Children's Hospital who was also healed from pain from an injury.
While in Honduras we met this man. He'd had polio since birth but could still get around on crutches. When we saw him he was unable to stand.
Jesus says to go make others to do the same ! Related News: Kingdom Stuff Kingdom […]
Healed, confirmed by Dr’s who say its a miracle! Related News: Kingdom Stuff Kingdom Redemption Kingdom […]
Woman diagnosed with cervical cancer Gets healed over phone. Related News: Kingdom Stuff Baroness healed ! […]
Power to do like Jesus! To….. Related News: Kingdom Stuff You Receive Power eps 356 Kingdom […]
Spirit of deafness comes out! Related News: Kingdom Stuff Boys ear healed ! Kingdom Stuff Deaf […]
Years ago not able to have children Related News: Kingdom Stuff Healed over the phone. Kingdom […]
After i went home. Related News: Kingdom Stuff Deaf in one ear Kingdom Stuff Healed over […]
But its power ! Related News: Kingdom Stuff Kingdom Redemption Kingdom Stuff What the Kingdom of […]
His presence with us Related News: Kingdom Stuff KOG Still Comes ! eps 365 Kingdom Stuff […]
This is very key to our freedom Related News: Kingdom Stuff DIY Forgiveness – eps 384 […]
How does his kingdom redeem? Related News: Kingdom Stuff How His kingdom comes. Kingdom Stuff What […]
Yes there’s more than one and its here too Related News: Kingdom Stuff Two Kingdoms Kingdom […]
kingdom of God plus one more ? Related News: Kingdom Stuff Two kingdoms explained Kingdom Stuff […]
From the old to the new testament Related News: Kingdom Stuff How His kingdom comes. Kingdom […]
How God interviens in the affairs of men from above. Related News: Kingdom Stuff As in […]
Is it in the clouds far away or closer? Related News: Kingdom Stuff What the Kingdom […]
Ever wonder what the kingdom of God is like? Related News: Kingdom Stuff Where is the […]
Summing up an effective way to pray and see God work💓 Related News: Kingdom Stuff 5-Step-summary […]
This where you stop, give encouragement and tell them how God loves them! 😍 Related News: […]
This where you pause, re interview, ask more ? Related News: Kingdom Stuff 5 Step Prayer- […]
This is where you’ve have an idea from the interview process, choose your prayer and begin […]
This is the diagnosis part where you interview Related News: Kingdom Stuff 5 Step Prayer- step […]
This is the basic approach I’ve used and seen God do many amazing things 😊 Related […]
Are there demons? Can they affect you? Related News: Kingdom Stuff Is it Real? KingdomStuff – […]
Who knew ? Related News: Kingdom Stuff Why He Was Sent eps 346 Kingdom Stuff Why […]
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Are we to believe it can be like heave here on earth? Related News: Kingdom Stuff […]
Related News: Kingdom Stuff HS speaks to us – eps 402 Kingdom Stuff Pena Coffee Shop […]
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Related News: Kingdom Stuff Are Demons Real ? Kingdom Stuff Kingdom no see it – eps […]
Related News: Kingdom Stuff Two kingdoms explained Kingdom Stuff Two Kingdoms Kingdom Stuff Kingdom no see […]

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