Feeding Hungry Bellies, Protecting Innocent Hearts, Setting captives free, Healing the sick, Helping the widowed,

Jerlanis, Datzary, Marcos, Yery, and Yelsin, are a few of the 40-60 children we feed every Sunday in Chinandega, Nicaragua.

Just like any other kid, they spend their days playing, laughing, and searching for adventure. Unlike many other kids they also spend their days searching for money to help their parents. Sometimes, this looks like begging, going through trash, collecting recyclables, or cutting grass. Check the video that pops up on our website, www.Kingdomstuff.org This often only buys them rice or a small amount of food. 

While their parents are off trying to survive themselves, these children also take care of their younger siblings. They learn to feed their brothers and sisters, protect them, and teach them how to survive.

With the increase of addiction, abuse and exploitation many children like these unfortunately end up lured by traffickers. While trying to survive on the streets not realizing what they are stepping into, children like Jerlanis and the others are exploited. 

To prevent and protect these children from exploitation, online safety, training, and equipping youths to advocate for child safety is included in the children’s ministry.

Kingdomstuff and our team there are working not to just provide food for these innocent children, but teaching them English, about Jesus,  and how to identify traffickers. 

Every Sunday, 40-60 children are hosted where the children listen to Bible stories, sing and dance, and enjoy a meal they normally don’t get.

You, as Partners are feeding these children and protecting them. Thank you. 

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We are grateful. Our team has grown!! We now have established over five churches in Central America. Although our work has been primarily in Nicaragua and Honduras, I can’t keep track of how many we’ve trained to ‘DO LIKE JESUS’. Many have joined us on our 17 years of trips to Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, Guatemala, South Africa, China. They learned from us and are duplicating it back home, and other countries so that we can further reach to those in need everywhere.

Through your partnering with our team, being passionate about meeting spiritual and practical needs you are helping to fulfill Jesus commands and doing like Him. We consider all of you, even the ones who can’t go, partners in the Great Commission.

The Nicaraguan average income is $3 per day.
Nicaragua is a low-income, food-deficit country and one of the poorest in Latin America. Agriculture, the primary economic activity, engages almost 70 percent of the population and contributes to 20 percent of the country’s GDP.

Here at Kingdomstuff ministry we have been feeding these 40-60 children ONCE a week, a hot meal on the average of $500 a month donated. A few times there have been additional donations for other needs. That’s it. We know that everyone has needs. We are grateful and blessed to be able to do this small amount. Full disclosure here… over all the years Terry has maintained full time work so the donations could go directly to the ministry.

If you find it in your heart to financially to help us on a monthly basis, you would be a blessing in assisting the work of reaching the unreached people groups and those in need.

Would you consider becoming a Partner so that more children like Jerlanis, Datzary, Marcos, Yery, And Yelsin can be protected, fed, and hear the name of Jesus? 

Before you close this link, would you prayerfully consider becoming a monthly donor? If you have any questions please contact me terry@kingdomstuff.org

KINGDOMSTUFF is a non profit organization. Your contributions are tax deductible in most cases.

Thank You for your prayer support and financial investment. Together we are ‘Doing Like Jesus’.
You can donate here on www.Kingdomstuff.org

Grateful to do this together, 

Terrence Devlin

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