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For God so loved the World. – John 3:16

More. More. More. Doing like Jesus. New video from KingdomStuff.
Feeding Hungry Bellies, Protecting Innocent Hearts, Setting captives free, Healing the […]
More. More. More. Doing like Jesus. New video from KingdomStuff.
More. More. More. Doing like Jesus. New video from KingdomStuff.
Doing like Jesus. New video to watch of KingdomStuff.
We welcome You with praise. Almighty God of Love be welcome in this place. Let every heart adore. Let every soul awake.
She said she could not walk, but after prayer she did.
Feeding the poor and hungry who scavenge the dumpsite.
Doing like Jesus Honduras October 2018, We traveled to many cities proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God, healing the sick, setting captives free.
Serving those in need by feeding the hungry each week.
Doing Like Jesus, healing the sick, setting captives free, kingdom of God, missions Central America
Watch people experience healing, love and transformation.
The team and KingdomStuff in Costa Rica. Experience the people […]
We visited those in prison proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom, saw blind healed, and the lame walk!
In these places we experienced not just healings, deliverance, and emotional healings, we experienced an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It was revival. The result was transformation, refreshing, healing, and salvation on a very grand scal
She pointed to it saying "LOOK the tumor is all gone".
He said he had two heart attacks before that and as of that day of being prayed for he has never felt better.
Woman healed from deafness in one ear as we prayed for her daughter in Children's Hospital who was also healed from pain from an injury.
While in Honduras we met this man. He'd had polio since birth but could still get around on crutches. When we saw him he was unable to stand.
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