It’s amazing to be part of what God is doing in Honduras. We have been asked to come back in six months time. On the last three trips we saw hundreds of healing’s and captives set free. We visited those in prison proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom, saw blind healed, and the lame walk!

 We will again have the opportunity to visit those in prison there. This is one of the worst crime areas in the world yet God did some amazing things with our teams. I personally prayed and saw a mans eye healed.

 We will visit orphanages again, pray and play with them. Visit the very poor who live in villages with water unfit to drink. A friend donated a water purifying system we brought that will touch 5000 families. Were hoping to raise enough money to take a few more on this trip.

We will be going back to the Children’s Hospital there because they welcome prayer for the sick. On one trip God healed a 14 year old before we left her room. We literally saw hundreds commit their lives to Christ, hundreds healed, many set free from oppression and delivered. If I hadn’t been there to see and witness it, I’d be like many others who say he’s making it up. I’ve never been around this much anointing, not like this. I just know God wants us to go back to Honduras. Twelve others have committed to go back and serve.

I am asking for partners to help us. We need prayer, for safe travel, planes, cars, lodging etc. We need sensitivity to hear God’s voice as we serve and pray.

Please consider partnering with us. If everyone I know could spare $20 there would be plenty. If you know of others looking to partner in a good cause, pass this page along please.  Bless you all and thanks for visiting here! This would be a good time to get end of the year tax deductions for a great cause. Thank you and bless you!

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