Know vs. Knowing

Recently moved and spending more time in the Smoky Mountains of N.C. Did you know that the Smoky Mountain National Park was the most visited of all the national parks in the U.S. in 2021 ?

I didn’t but now I do.

You can read about it in the link above and discover some things like the Blue Ridge parkway that starts there and goes 640 miles of pristine mountains up through Virginia. There is a large herd of Elk in the park in Cherokee. Then you would know about it. If you go there and you experience it for yourself that’s a different kind of KNOWING. When some one brings up the subject about the Smoky Mountain National Park you KNOW from having experienced it first hand. Maybe not all of it but at least some.

So it is with the Lord Jesus. You can know about Him having read the scriptures, but it’s not the same as KNOWING Him. One has to spend time with him similar to any close friend. You KNOW them better after spending time. One might ask, how can you really know Him if he’s dead. Ah but He’s not. How so? Well for one thing historically we know he arose from the dead. He said I will always be with you until the end of time ! Mt.28:20. He left the earth but promised us He the Holy Spirit a helper would come to guide us in all truth, (Jn.14:16), yeah ! I know these things not just because I’ve read about them but because I’ve experienced them. If you haven’t You can too. 

All you have to say is “ God, Lord Jesus, I want to know the the truth about this. I want to KNOW the real you.” He answers that question all the time. He’s been waiting for to Know.

Bless you! Any questions I’m here 🙂

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